Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Steve Martin and John Candy in PTA-2


I proclaim this while putting aside my nostalgic feelings for this film, but Planes, Trains and Automobiles is the perfect comedy. It's hard to think of another comedy that can both make you laugh so much and feel so much at the same time. Now that I'm over 40, I have come to understand why older generations become set in their own ways. I'm totally content with my life, family and friends and I don't have much room for anything else. Which makes the unlikely friendship that is thrust upon Neal Page (Steve Martin) even more delightful. Everyone can think of a Del Griffith (John Candy) that is in their life. Someone who they can't stand but you know would be the first to be there for you in an emergency.

Director/writer John Hughes has the uncanny knack for developing real life characters whose realistic dialogue connects with everyone. He then thrusts them into absurd, yet plausible situations that somehow project our own insecurities. Have you ever been frustrated with a rental company? Of course. Have you ever sworn at them like Neal does? God, I hope not. But is Neal's dialogue something that was running through your head at the time? Absolutely. Everyone fears the worst when it comes to travel and Hughes loves playing with those emotions throughout this film.

Martin and Candy are some of my favorite comedic actors of all time and they play the perfect odd couple. I know comedic roles don't garner Oscars, but I could easily make an argument that these two deserve awards for their performances. They both absolutely know when to go big and when to draw it in. It makes them lovable despite their faults and it's one of the rare times that when characters learn a life lesson, we do as well.

There is not a wasted scene in this movie. No matter how many times I watch it, it legitimately makes me laugh and has some of the most quotable dialogue that I still repeat to this day. It's no wonder that it has become such a holiday favorite. Can you think of another movie that produces so many genuine laughs and tears? Planes, Trains and Automobiles embodies the American experience. We all just want to get home to our family, but when the universe asks us to alter our selfish plans for the good of another, can we do it? If Neal Page can, certainly we all are able of such change.


Fair Play


The Wedding Planner