Theater Camp

Molly Gordon and Ben Platt in Theater Camp (2023)

★★★ 1/2

Though I adore Broadway plays and musicals, I've never been a part of a theater community. The attraction and appeal of Theater Camp is that you totally believe that this film is a true reflection of the filmmakers's experience. It is so fast with its quips and inside gags that by the time its over, it's almost worth a rewatch to catch some things that you didn't the first time around. Directors Molly Gordon (from The Bear) and Nick Lieberman have gathered a wonderful ensemble of young actors that will automatically make you search out their other work on IMDB. The children really stand out with their musical ability but I was most impressed with Ben Platt who finally gets to show a darker side to his theatric roots. The downside to the film that its speaking so directly to those who have a theater background that you may feel a bit left out. But that may be the ultimate point of the whole story.


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