Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Graham Chapman, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Monty Python in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)


It's embarrassing how many times I've seen this film. Monty Python and the Holy Grail pretty much defines my teenage sensibilities and completely opened my world to a new type of humor. It had been some time since I had seen it last and I was struck by how much the silliness, creativity and sacrilegious scenarios have defined how I gauge whether something is funny or not. The bits and the lines are still just as funny today, but seeing it with adult eyes now, the low budget screams out to you, especially on a 76" television. But that scrappiness and doing the most with what the Monty Python crew had at their disposable is what makes the movie so great. It's genius without the finances, and as a budding creative those many years ago, this film really spoke to me.

Not all the skits work, which I was heavily aware of back then. It was common for me to fast forward certain parts, and I was tempted to do so again. But my kids sat back amazed as I quoted the movie as it played. Okay, not amazed. They were annoyed. And although they didn't quite laugh at the film as I had hoped, they were certainly keen on the uniqueness that was displayed in front of them.




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