Look Both Ways

Lili Reinhart and Danny Ramirez in Look Both Ways (2022)

★★ ½

Do you remember going to Blockbuster and feeling disappointed when they were out of the popular movie that was just released on home video? Despite having 50 in stock, they were all gone. So you start to browse and you notice another movie that only has two copies in stock. You recognize the stars but are completely unaware that the movie existed. You debate whether or not to take a chance on this movie, because after all, there are only two copies of it. You wonder, "Where is the demand for this movie?"

That's the feeling I get with Netflix original films these days. They have come out at such a rapid pace, that it's really hard to know if the film is of quality substance. Look Both Ways has an interesting premise, although not new. It's a pleasant ride. The story is simple and the characters are relatable but by the end, I couldn't quite understand why it took almost two hours of runtime to get to its ultimate conclusion.

Lili Reinhart's character essentially has a sliding doors moment where in one scenario she is pregnant and in the other, she is not. Everybody wonders what would have happened if we have chosen a different path in life, and though I like what this movie says about that at the end, I felt neither inspired nor engaged. My wife and I needed a lazy evening to throw something on and not think too much, and this was perfect for that. But is it a compliment to say that this is a great movie to have on in the background so you can scroll through your phone at the same time?




The Lost City