The Outfit

The Outfit (2022)

★★★ ½

If you are drawn to stories that take place in one setting and are full of twists and turns, you will love The Outfit. I felt like I was watching a stage play, especially with the entrance and exits of all the characters. I don't think I had seen Mark Rylance as the lead of a film before, but his role as this precise cutter (not a tailer) is completely memorable. You can always see his mental gears turning as he navigates what seems an impossible escape from the grasps of early Chicago mobsters.

The Outfit isn't trying to say something bigger than its story. Its goal is to be memorable and entertaining and it does it really well. You find yourself trying to guess the motives behind every character's decisions and I'm not afraid to admit that more often than not, I was behind the curve. And it was a lot of fun to get got with this one.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Argentina, 1985