Listening to Kenny G

Listening to Kenny G (2021)-Poster

★ ★★★

I loved the question that this documentary poses. What do you associate with Kenny G’s music? For me, it was listening to my parent’s CD, Breathless, as a child as we cleaned the house on Saturday mornings. Kenny G is the unicorn of popular music. Can you imagine another jazz instrumentalist that will come along and dominate the music charts?

I had a lot of fun with this documentary. It was able to tell Kenny G’s personal journey, but also give voice to his fans and critics. It has fun with the phenomenon that is Kenny G and regardless if you are a fan, a cynic or a hater, you will leave with a great appreciation for his talent. He genuinely seems like a nice guy, but more so, you can’t deny his intelligence behind his brand and his discipline of practice. It’s easy to write off his assent as a fluke and it’s fair to say that he hit at the right time, but there’s no denying that there was an intentional process to his success. Kenny G is a dedicated artist who has perfected his craft and is willing to adjust to the world to stay relevant. How can you not admire that?


Everything Everywhere All At Once

