Everything Everywhere All At Once

Michelle Yeoh and Harry Shum Jr. in Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

★ ★★★★

Complex, but approachable. Absurd, but relatable. Unique, but familiar. There are so many words that came to mind when I finished Everything Everywhere All at Once, yet I couldn't pinpoint the perfect one. I was stunned by what I experienced. This movie is an assault on all your senses in all the right ways.

I don't think I have ever watched a film that is so many genres all at once. It'll probably be shelved in the sci-fi category, but it also could be labeled as a comedy, family drama, action and romance film. Directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan do an outstanding job of presenting a super thought-provoking take on the multiverse. They ground their cosmic theories through the tale of an immigrant family struggling with identity and taxes. Who can't relate to those things? They maintain a brilliant balance through the screenplay and editing, and visually, this is one of the most striking movies I have seen. There are images that will forever stick with me and they somehow make hot dog fingers and adhesive googly eyes into symbols of emotion and inclusion.

More importantly, I was sincerely moved by this movie. Through all its chaos, its themes are simple. John Lennon said, "All you need is love," and this movie echoes that sentiment through rocks, bagels and raccoons. I know, that last sentence is silly, but it also encapsulates what is so brilliant about this film. It is supported by tremendous performances and the whole cast gives all of themselves to the material. I really hope this movie doesn't just become a cult hit but can find some Oscar love because it's the best film that I've seen this year.


Cha Cha Real Smooth


Listening to Kenny G