Hot Potato: The Story of the Wiggles

Hot Potato_ The Story of the Wiggles (2023)

★★★ 1/2

Even if The Wiggles weren't a part of your life or your child's life, there is much to admire about this music documentary, Hot Potato: The Story of The Wiggles. Like many self-produced documentaries these days, the film never goes quite as deep as you would like it to go. There are a lot of storylines that verge on VH1 Behind the Music territory (if you know, you know), but this movie glosses over them, leaving you wanting a little more dirt. But I understand preserving the innocence of this behemoth of children's entertainment because what The Wiggles accomplished is far more impressive than I ever knew. Too often we don't get fascinating stories about good people, and this movie is a testament to friendship, musicianship and hard work. This doc does a tremendous job of capturing the scope of this band with great interviews and vintage footage, and more importantly, validates the legitimacy of their craft. Even if you aren't familiar with The Wiggles, I think you'd be fascinated by this documentary and I bet money that you will be humming one of their songs in your head for days on end after a viewing. And trust me, this isn't a bad thing.


Dan in Real Life

