27 Dresses

Katherine Heigl and James Marsden in 27 Dresses (2008)


I probably hadn't seen this movie since it came out in 2008 and I remember always feeling so-so about this one. I was pleasantly surprised by this rewatch. This is by no means the greatest movie ever or even the greatest rom-com for that matter, but it's a pure, simple, enjoyable watch.

Katherine Heigl has always been an interesting actress to watch. I feel bad for her because she has always been saddled with roles that don't flatter her characters's personalities. She is a solid actress and plays her roles well, but even though her character wins at the end of this story, I don't fully care about her. Now, James Marsden on the other hand, completely makes this movie watchable. I've always been a fan and his wit and charm is so fun to watch. I fully cared about his character Kevin winning the day, not necessarily Jane (Heigl).

The bar scene between the two is certainly memorable (with a lot of help from Elton John) but the true strength of the movie is that you can fully empathize with Jane. Everyone has been in the spot of feeling like you are the last one to get married, or worse, having your closest friend steal your crush right from under you. The scenes that play out this storyline waver from very entertaining to cringy, but it makes it a worthy ride nonetheless.


Argentina, 1985


Crazy, Stupid, Love.