Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)

★ ★

I don't think I'm the only one that was surprised by the success of the first Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Expectations were low for my family and we were delightfully surprised by how funny and entertaining it was. Enough to go see this sequel in the theaters this past weekend.

My kindergartner said it best, "Daddy, why was the movie full of action and not funny?" Out of the mouth of babes. Maybe she should start writing my reviews.

This sequel completely ditches what worked the first time. Instead, it fills its two-hour runtime (two hours for a family film!!!) mainly with action scenes. It's as if director Jeff Fowler was using this movie as an audition tape to helm the next Fast and Furious film. The scenes that are supposed to be more light-hearted and humorous reek of complacency. Jim Carrey (Lord, please don't let this be his last film) and James Mardsen do what they can with the weak material that has been given to them. There is a whole subplot dealing with a Hawaii wedding that I can only assume exists so the crew could work in Hawaii.

Seeing the box office receipts from this past weekend, there will no doubt be a Sonic 3. But I've learned my lesson and will definitely be purging Sonic from my life unless a Sega Genesis happens to pop up in my living room.


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