Come from Away

Joel Hatch, Jenn Colella, Emily Walton, and Q. Smith in Come from Away (2021)


My girls are members of our local theatre in Norman, Sooner Theatre, and in this spring's showcase, their high school cast performed the opening number from Come From Away, "Welcome to the Rock." As a family, we haven't stopped singing it in the car, which promptly made us watch this filmed version on Apple TV. Wow, I was blown away by the innovativeness of this story that focuses on the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, and the huge impact that its townspeople made on 7,000 passengers after being grounded due to the flight hijackings of September 11, 2001.

The small ensemble plays multiple characters, and with the use of very few props, through subtle nuances and staging, they tell a very thorough story that will make you sing, laugh, and cry. That's a clichéd thing to say, I know, but it's no wonder that this won so many Tony Awards. I wish more musicals were available to watch in this format, but I understand that it takes away from what makes theatre so powerful. However, for someone who doesn't have quick access to Broadway plays, this was an amazing way to experience this musical.


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